You can find our top picks for best acting books every actor should read above and below this text.

Please keep in mind: there are a few of them that have been written for US actors, however, even here in London, we can still apply most of those principles, and there is some extremely valuable advice given in those acting books.

Above you can find our Top 10 picks for best acting books every actor should own. If we had to pick just one, then it definitely has to be William Esper‘s “The Actor’s Art and Craft“.

Affiliates: If you buy any of these acting books from this page or using one of our provided links to Amazon, you will not be charged extra, but Amazon will give our website a small percentage of funds that will help us to support

Acting Books that every actor should read

Here are some more absolutely amazing and insightful acting books for our fellow thespians on their craft and the business side of it. They are being highly recommend by us and most of acting teachers, talent agents and casting directors from the industry. Books that we didn’t find useful are not and never will be included on any of our lists.
